Well so much has been on my mind this last week. I hear things about others that make me sad inside!! I hear things about marriage that make me wonder why are you even married if you allow your self and your spouse to do things like that. It makes me want to to cry for them. In this last General Conference there was a talk by Richard G. Scott about The Eternal Blessings of Marriage. It talks about how important it is to have faith in your spouse and never speak unkind words to them. It also talks about keeping your covenants you made with the lord when you were married. And even if you weren't married in the temple you should still hold respect for your marriage. You shouldn't do things to put your marriage in jeopardy!
It really struck me when he talked about his son passing away and how he and his wife were comforted in knowing they would see him in the next life. And that made me wonder, Are we really doing all we can to get back to our Father in Heaven? And are we doing all we can to preserve our marriage? I was recently talking with a friend and she told me that in her first marriage she was asked by her souse to do things no one should ever have to do , not even in a marriage. And that she was miserable having to put up with this. And I say at what point do you say to your self that no marriage can make it with these things getting in our way?
We know that pornography is bad but why would we let it in to our marriage? Marriage is most sacred to the Lord. And what we do in our marriage effects the rest of our lives. I firmly believe that it effects our professions, our friendships, and the way we parent our children. Some times I wonder if we wouldn't let our children watch it because of profanity or nudity why would we let ourselves watch it.
It hurts my heart to know that some of the best people I know have let the adversary get in to their marriage and potentially wreck that sacred bond between husband and wife. I would hope that sooner rather than later they will understand why it's so important to not let Satan dictate your marriage because it will only lead to unhappiness in every aspect of your life. I love all my friends and only want the best for all of you!!