Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Well things are kind of crazy right now in our lives. Dwayne just took his second Law school admissions test to see if he get a better score this time. And he has all of his apps done and ready to go to about 15 schools. We really want to go outside of Utah for a while. And if you haven't heard my soap box yet our Swamp cooler doesn't work in the day and we don't have our new ac yet. So by three o clock in the afternoon it's a swealtering 85 degrees in our house. I think I'm not going to pay our rent this next month if we don't get it fixed soon. It's so darn hottt!!!! On a good note I took Isaiah to the liver clinic on Monday and the doctor said he has no signs of any infection, but that his liver is still hard and big so if he doesn't get sick in the near future they will hold off on a liver transplant until he's about 10 years old. Thats good because little kids it's harder on there bodies to have transplants. So by then Dwayne should be a practicing attorney and we might actually be able to afford it. So I have a mac right now but I think Dwaynes going to get me a PC so I can upload photos! I'm also computer illiterate so bear with me it might take a while!! As an answer to Heathers question I got the bike trailer/jogging stroller on Amazon. But Micah doesn't fit well because he's so tall. It only tells you that the weight requirement is 50 lbs. But you don't have giant 4 year old either. Other than that I love it. It's a Schwin one thats red and black and it's easy to fold up and put in my trunk.

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