Saturday, November 29, 2008

I know I'm a little behind but I had to post about something that I'm thankful for. Yesterday morning I woke up with a bad toothache. It was so bad it made my whole face hurt up and down my neck and around my ear. So I called the dentist office and the receptionist said she would call the  dentist to see if he could fix it that day or recommend an emergency dentist. When she called back she said he would be in his Provo office if I could get down there. So My sweet grandpa drove me all the way to Provo just to see him. And when we got there he took some xrays and said looks like you need a root canal. I was shocked!! So they numbed me up and went to work. They didn't get it all done that day, I still have to come back next week. But I was so grateful he happened to be in his office right when I called and was able to relieve most of the pain. The tooth it self is still sore but no pain anywhere else. Thank goodness!!! Just wanted to let you know I'm thankful for the dentist and my grandpa.


At Last said...

That is sweet of your grandpa and lucky the dentist was there. I need to call my dentist monday, I am ready to yank out my tooth today it hurts so much!! I hope you feel better and we play soon:)

Tiffany Ann said...

Poor Anna, that is no fun, eat some pudding, and get feeling better!

Melisa said...

I am so glad you got it fixed that day! Well mostly fixed. I HATE tooth aches. They are the worst. I am thankful for you!

Lynne said...

That totally happened to me...I had the WORST toothache on a Sunday night, and I called that night to get an appointment the next morning. Mine turned into a root canal, too...not fun.